Frequently Asked Question

How to make a card payment refund through the Redsys website?
Last Updated 9 months ago

These steps should be followed:

  1. Open an Internet Explorer browser. To do this, type "iexplore" in the Microsoft Windows navigation bar.
  2. Type the following address into the Internet Explorer browser bar and press Enter:
  3. The first time you access it, the compatibility view must be configured. To do this, go to the settings menu:
    1. Click on the "Settings" menu located in the top right corner of the browser:
    2. Click on "Compatibility View Settings"
    3. Add "" to the list
  4. Once the compatibility view is configured, you must access the page with the provided username and password.
  5. Access the administration menu:
  6. Click on the "Consult" option and "Accept"
  7. Select "Return" for the corresponding operation
  8. Indicate the amount to be returned, enter the password, and press "Accept". A message will be displayed indicating success or error.
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