Frequently Asked Question
How to make a card payment refund through the Redsys website?
Last Updated 9 months ago
These steps should be followed:
- Open an Internet Explorer browser. To do this, type "iexplore" in the Microsoft Windows navigation bar.
- Type the following address into the Internet Explorer browser bar and press Enter:
- The first time you access it, the compatibility view must be configured. To do this, go to the settings menu:
- Click on the "Settings" menu located in the top right corner of the browser:
- Click on "Compatibility View Settings"
- Add "" to the list
- Click on the "Settings" menu located in the top right corner of the browser:
- Once the compatibility view is configured, you must access the page with the provided username and password.
- Access the administration menu:
- Click on the "Consult" option and "Accept"
- Select "Return" for the corresponding operation
- Indicate the amount to be returned, enter the password, and press "Accept". A message will be displayed indicating success or error.